What is intertextuality
The term Intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of mediatext via another media text. In other wordsIntertextuality essentially means for a type ofmedia(film,television,music etc) to pay homage to another media text.
intertextuality is important as it allows a viewer to instantly understand what is happening in a certain part of a programme or film as they recognize the scene due to the fact thta its been in other movies\programmes.
you seem to have combined intertexuality with your analysis of the Kiss of the vampire? these are 2 separate posts, there is little I the way of any analysis in the intertexuality post - just examples left un explained. You analysis of the horror poster is more in-depth but Your answer is not as in-depth in some of the areas covered. For example the contextual reasons behind the portrayal of women in 1950/60s. This sheet is very important is gives you all the main points, theorist thinking and media language concerned with representation for print based advertisement, but also is relevant to most analysis of media texts in terms of representation